Eligibility Bookmarklets for Yuletide

AO3 bookmarklet

When used on an AO3 fandom page, this bookmarklet automatically applies the search filters Yuletide uses to determine if a fandom is eligible.

1a. Click on the link above and drag it to your bookmark bar; OR 1b. Right-click on the link above and save it as a bookmark (ideally available from your bookmark pane).
2. Go to the archiveofourown.org page for your fandom.
3. Make sure you don't have any filters automatically applied.
4. Click the bookmarklet.
5. Note down the number of fics.

FFN bookmarklet

When used on an ff.net fandom page, this bookmarklet automatically applies the search filters Yuletide uses to determine if a fandom is eligible.

1a. Click on the link above and drag it to your bookmark bar; OR 1b. Right-click on the link above and save it as a bookmark (ideally available from your bookmark pane).
2. Go to the fanfiction.net page for your fandom.
3. Click the bookmarklet.
4. Note down the number of fics.
5. Go to the crossover-specific fanfiction.net page for your fandom, if there is one.
6. Click the bookmarklet.
7. Note down the number of fics.

These bookmarklets automatically apply these filters:
in English
All Ratings

So you can search on those manually to test that the bookmarklet is working.

Please contact the Yuletide mods if you have any issues!
Credit: Kristin for bookmarklets, Rosencrantz for hosting, Moriann and Prinzenhasserin for checking.